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  1. Hamilton Steele

    Hamilton Steele Sex Lover

    Jan 21, 2022
    Just so I understand how things in this world works.

    The shitty rock group called Pussy Riot stuff an uncooked chicken, which they didn't pay for, up a band member's cunt and that becomes a celebrated world event.

    But the video I made of me sticking a rubber chicken in a woman's ass gets delete from the porn tube sites?

    Just wow...

    1. Aqua Marine
      And you just gave her more publicity. Congratulations!
      Aqua Marine, Aug 5, 2023
  2. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    Wonder what store that was?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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    1. dinny
      Пиггли Виггли, or Piggly Wiggly.
      dinny, Aug 3, 2023
      Dearelliot likes this.
    2. Aqua Marine
      Aqua Marine, Aug 5, 2023
      Dearelliot, Volt_4 and dinny like this.
  3. Hamilton Steele

    Hamilton Steele Sex Lover

    Jan 21, 2022
    I really don't say this very often but.... I have no desire to fuck her.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. speakeasy
      I'm sure she's heartbroken.
      speakeasy, Aug 3, 2023
    2. Hamilton Steele
      Nah I doubt it... She seems to be more into poultry.
      Hamilton Steele, Aug 3, 2023
    3. Aqua Marine
      Cats, not chickens.
      Aqua Marine, Aug 5, 2023
  4. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    I've never heard anyone talk about their music. Just the crazy shit they do to get attention. And once again, it worked,
    • Like Like x 3
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    1. dinny
      Russian punk rock band... typical punk music. Can't remember a Western punk band ever getting attention for doing anything crazy... other than performing. Could be cultural. Russia's not a place where 'look at me' or 'personal drama' gets you anything but a long-term stretch in an uncomfortable jail cell... so I've heard.
      dinny, Aug 5, 2023
      speakeasy likes this.
  5. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    Huh, it was a frozen chicken in plastic wrap, and it happened in 2012...
    • Like Like x 1
    1. speakeasy
      It's probably thawed out by now. :)
      speakeasy, Aug 3, 2023
    2. slutwolf
      and cooked
      slutwolf, Aug 3, 2023
      crhurricane, Volt_4 and speakeasy like this.
    3. slutwolf
      what's another name for a slow cooker ?

      A crock pot

      sounz appropriate

      slutwolf, Aug 3, 2023
    4. slutwolf
      unless she was gay of course
      then it would be a

      Camp Oven
      slutwolf, Aug 3, 2023
      Volt_4 and speakeasy like this.
    5. anon_de_plume
      I believe the members of Pussy Riot are lesbian.
      anon_de_plume, Aug 3, 2023
      speakeasy likes this.
  6. Hamilton Steele

    Hamilton Steele Sex Lover

    Jan 21, 2022
    You better watch the video again and what does the date it was filmed have to do with anything?

    2012 grocery store chicken in a twat is celebrated but 2023 even rubber chickens are triggering?
    • wtf wtf x 1
    1. anon_de_plume
      Either way, it's still not current news.
      anon_de_plume, Aug 3, 2023
      Volt_4 likes this.
    2. Hamilton Steele
      Either way, it's still not current news.

      @anon_de_plume Once again I'll ask what difference does that make?
      We're talking roughly a decade ago and not the Victorian era.
      Hamilton Steele, Aug 3, 2023
    3. anon_de_plume
      Because you make it seem like it happened yesterday when you don't give all the details. There are many on the site that try to post stories that happened in the past, trying to make it appear that it happened yesterday...

      Besides, not very relevant... Who here in the West actually cares?
      anon_de_plume, Aug 3, 2023
  7. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    Huh funny.gif
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  8. Valspar

    Valspar porn surfer

    Feb 3, 2018
    It's still there.
    • Funny Funny x 5
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    1. Aqua Marine
      Oh baby, that's hot. Just what turns me on. The only thing that would make it hotter is if it squawks when she flexes her ass cheeks.
      Aqua Marine, Aug 5, 2023
      Volt_4 likes this.
    2. crhurricane
      Maybe but that coak a dotal do every morning would get old
      crhurricane, Aug 6, 2023
  9. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    at last , an explanation
    • Agree Agree x 1
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    1. 1 Toy Maker
      Is he a member of Pussy riot?
      1 Toy Maker, Aug 3, 2023
    2. slutwolf
      is he , you tell me
      maybe he's been a member in a pussy riot
      possibly even sharing it with Vlad the Inhaler

      he certainly seems to like inciting riots
      slutwolf, Aug 3, 2023
  10. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    Hey sofa warriors, when you show me at least one photo of the Ukrainian troops who have reached our main line of defense - Show me the dragon's teeth. Ukrainians say the NATO tactics of warfare are to blame for everything, it is wrong and contradicts Russia does not work. They come to their tactics. Just give them the guys from Alabama. Everyone who attacked Russia said the frost was to blame for everything, otherwise we would have defeated them. Well, now there is no frost that you lack. When you already have the guts to admit that you are not idiots and not the ones to fight against Russia. Yes, trannies you will only drive pygmies through the desert, but they will be stronger than you if they are given weapons.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. slutwolf
      Delete the content quickly then .

      Clot ,
      your to late now
      Last edited: Aug 3, 2023
      slutwolf, Aug 3, 2023
    3. Ficxa 479
      I couldn t .
      Ficxa 479, Aug 3, 2023
      Volt_4 likes this.
    4. slutwolf
      But you could have at the time you apologised ,
      and still after my advice to you had four minutes to.
      Are you a slow russian ?

      It only takes a minute to go,
      edit , select all , delete , X , save changes

      See now I'm editing ,
      and I'll save this ,
      and now editing again ,
      That's how quick it is
      slutwolf, Aug 3, 2023
      Ficxa 479 likes this.
    5. Ficxa 479
      I may delete comments at once but not replays. Don know why.
      Ficxa 479, Aug 3, 2023
    6. slutwolf
      are you using a Russian phone ?

      I often have to edit replies and posts after I've reread what I've posted
      slutwolf, Aug 3, 2023
  11. aesopstails

    aesopstails Ridiculously Happy

    Jun 21, 2008
    Such a sad little thread. And all because a sad little dude got upset that a stupid little video got more attention than his stupid little video.
    Moral of this story: There are too many stupid videos in this world. If yours is the stupidest of them all, it’s highly likely than an even more stupid one will come along rather soon. Deal with it.
    • Winner Winner x 4
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  12. dinny

    dinny Bot sez wha?

    Mar 17, 2009
    You mean this Pussy Riot? I remember the ski masks... she must've put hers on the chicken, huh?:O_o:

    It is the same purse, I'll give you that.
    1. dinny
      You must be thinking of Quiet Riot.
      dinny, Aug 3, 2023
  13. thestrangerinyou

    thestrangerinyou cookiemonster

    Mar 3, 2009
    I don't know any thing about this band but hey there's been a lot of bands who do dumb shit to attract attention. As long as no one gets hurt I don't care im sure what you see one camera is not exactly what is really happening.
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. dinny
      Yeah, just like that English band Monty Python. You believe those coffins kicked themselves in the ground. What about the Spanish Inquisition and what's with the dead parrot anyhow!
      dinny, Aug 3, 2023
      crhurricane and thestrangerinyou like this.
    2. crhurricane
      crhurricane, Aug 4, 2023
      thestrangerinyou likes this.
    3. Aqua Marine
      Aqua Marine, Aug 8, 2023
      crhurricane and dinny like this.
    4. crhurricane
      What is meer?
      crhurricane, Aug 8, 2023
  14. crhurricane

    crhurricane Altered State

    Feb 25, 2018
    Musicians on the road have a hard life, a girl got to eat.
    Besides isn't there a good taste like chicken joke somewhere in there?
    • Like Like x 2
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  15. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    That chicken prolly tastes like fish.
    • Funny Funny x 6
  16. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    I hope she went to the doctor after. I feel raw chicken would upset the delicate ph balance of her lady bits.
    • Like Like x 5
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  17. BigSuzyB

    BigSuzyB Porn Star

    Dec 11, 2015
    This story is almost ten years old but it’s not why Vladimir Putin wants them all in jail.
    Is this Russian news hot off the presses?
    1. dinny
      According to the OP, yes... I think his TV is receiving programs ten years out of date myself.:O_o:
      dinny, Aug 9, 2023
      mstrman likes this.
  18. Hamilton Steele

    Hamilton Steele Sex Lover

    Jan 21, 2022
    I'm just mad that crap has no problems staying up on the Internet but my stuff gets removed even from porn tube sites.
    1. Aqua Marine
      Maybe your stuff isn't as good as you think it is.
      Aqua Marine, Aug 8, 2023
    2. crhurricane
      Nothing disappears from the internet, it may not be where you think it is, but there are archives, look hard enough you will find it.
      crhurricane, Aug 8, 2023
      dinny, Aqua Marine and Triangle_7 like this.
    3. dinny
      Ooooo, burn!
      dinny, Aug 9, 2023