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  1. maxam

    maxam Porn Surfer

    Mar 24, 2007
    Drunk Mom and I Incest, young male, mature female, cheating

    Over a few years, my Mom started having a drinking problem. I was only ten years old when I realized it two years ago. I thought it was because my Dad was overbearing and controlling. He would only allow her to have female friends that he knew. He worked a lot in sales and basically neglected me and Mom. He also traveled a bit.
    One night she had gone to a all girl’s party with her sister. The host called Dad and said she was tipsy and missed her ride home. So we had to go pick her up. Dad was totally pissed at her and made me come along as it was a long drive. He hardly spoke on the way. He had the back seat full of his sales samples so as he went in to get her, I pushed the stuff over for myself to sit for the drive home.
    When Dad came out, it was with Mom and another woman. He had agreed to drop her off too, so wouldn’t be tearing into Mom, at least not right away. She wouldn’t have heard him anyway as she was too drunk. He made the other woman sit in the passenger seat and said Mom could move when she left. With Dad’s help holding her up I sat in the confined back seat and he dumped Mom onto my lap. She only mumbled incoherently and dozed off.
    As we continued, Dad talked absently to the other woman and paid no attention to me and Mom in the back seat. Mom seemed quite heavy on me but I was big for my age and liked her warmth anyway. It was actually a pleasant ride with her atop me and so dark and cozy in the rear seat. As the car jiggled occasionally, I began to be aware of her breast against my arm. It felt heavy and warm and I slowly moved my arm back until one breast was resting on my wrist. Now my cock started to stir as I began to think of Mom totally different than I ever had before. I saw her suddenly as a sexy looking woman with a great shape and big tits.
    In one motion I twisted my hand until I now was holding her right breast! There was no way Dad could see. My cock grew immediately hard and I feared Mom would notice until I checked her deep drunken breathing. Now I really wanted to feel her tit and moved my right hand slowly down to her waist and under her blouse, then upward again until I had her bra encased breast in my whole hand. Mom made no notice of what I was doing. I had seen her drunk before and when Dad was away she often fell deep asleep on the sofa watching TV after a few drinks. I finally slipped my fingers beneath her bra too and pulled it up and out. I was enthralled now with warm bare flesh in my hand and felt her nipple between my fingers. Her breasts were wonderfully large. Now my cock was hard and pressing into her bottom. I could feel the heat from her pussy. And for a minutes thought she would too until she just shifted in her drunken stupor.
    We arrived at the other woman’s home and she quickly got out and before I could help Mom into the passenger seat Dad pulled away. Just ignoring both of us. He turned on the radio to a news station and stared straight ahead.
    I was ecstatic now, loving the feeling of a grown woman’s bare breast in my hand and becoming more adventurous every minute. My cock was raging in my pants and I began to wonder if I could get a feel of Mom’s pussy too? She had on a summer cotton dress that was quite loose so I slowly began pulling at it until I felt the bare skin of her thigh. Then moved my hand around until it was over her pussy, feeling the puffy hair through the cotton panties. Then I slipped one finger through and began feeling around until I felt her slit. I was now in danger of cumming in my pants. My finger traced her slit up and down until I found a wet spot and slipped the tip in. I was now finger fucking my own Mom! I knew if Dad looked back he would see my face so flushed but I couldn’t stop if I wanted to. Mom sort of moaned a little but Dad didn’t hear. Now I began to wonder what I could get away with? I moved my hand down to my own zipper and pulled it slowly down. Doing it with stealth even though Dad would never have heard it anyway. Mom felt so hot atop me now and my hormones were raging with lust. I fiddled with my underwear until my cock came free, right under Mom’s pussy! I almost came from that feeling alone. I was unsure what she might do if I stuck it into her so instead went back to fondling her pussy. Then inserted my finger so slowly into her, pressing it all the way inside. It was so hot in there!
    Then I couldn’t help myself and slowly lifted her right leg up a bit, pulled her panties aside and guided my cock to her pussy lips. Then slowly pushed it in! Just the tip. Left it there a moment throbbing. I closed my eyes. This was heaven on earth! I pushed a little more until it was well inside her and she moaned aloud. I froze but Dad didn’t hear. Then I began moving under her with the slowest motions I could. My very first fuck was my own Mom! I came in the most intense orgasm I could ever have. It felt wonderful.
    As we neared home I began to go into a state of panic. I zipped up and pulled Mom’s dress down again, trying my best to reinsert her breast back into her bra. Then we were entering our driveway. I knew something would show and knew my face was full of guilt.
    Dad just shut off the engine and got out, saying, “Just put her on the sofa, I don’t want to hear snoring all night.” He entered the house as I sat there. I wasn’t sure what to do. I saw his bedroom light go on upstairs for a minute or two, then turn off.
    I was in a state of panic because I thought Mom would now wake up and know what had happened. Can a woman who is drunk feel that she’s been fucked? Damn, I thought I was going to get caught in the morning. I opened the car door and started to ease Mom out but she seemed heavier now. I glanced up at the bedroom window and knew that Dad slept like a log. Sexual thoughts returned to my head. I might get caught in the morning, but this was now. I reached around Mom and felt her tits now with both hands, realizing how great they really were. My friend Jimmy always said she had great tits. I undid her bra and let them free, leaning around her to see them. My cock was rising all over again. Gawd they were beautiful! Not like those little bumps of schoolgirls! Her nipples were purple in the dim light. I decided that I could get Mom into the house and onto the sofa without too much problem.
    But first I had had to fuck her again. I pulled her panties aside, positioned her so I could slide my cock into her easily. Her pussy was so warm and wet. And clasped my cock perfectly. I was filled with lust now as I slid forth and back. Even though my Mom seemed unaware of my actions, she moaned softly as I stroked her, trying to be slow and make it last. I sensed that her pussy was twitching too. She moaned in her dreamy state and I wondered what she was imagining? Her breathing was faster. I lifted her right leg and looked down at my cock filing her pussy until I came again in another fabulous orgasm. She seemed to be responding too, or did I imagine it?
    Well I finally got Mom into the house and onto the sofa and used some paper towels to clean her up as best I could. I covered her with a blanket and went to my own room to sleep, anticipating the morning and what might happen. I had fears of being tossed out of the house, or even charged with something. I think I raped my Mom?
    Dad left early for work. Mom awoke later and made coffee. I heard the shower running and went downstairs. Ready to face my fate. Mom finally came down and just smiled as she poured coffee and made me some cereal. Said nothing. We ate breakfast sitting together. Dad called later and said he’d be out of town three days.
    It only made me think of Mom drinking on the sofa tonight and falling asleep.
  2. Booshka

    Booshka Porn Surfer

    Jan 13, 2007
    Wonderful. I know it got me hard. Thanks... can't wait to read #2.
  3. L0vely

    L0vely Porn Surfer

    Aug 11, 2007
    god i love mature women, i wanna fuck 1
  4. gab4320

    gab4320 Porn Surfer

    Feb 1, 2007
    great story, I love first time incest stoies. always makes me hard
  5. Zachthehomomcfuckface

    Zachthehomomcfuckface Newcumer

    Aug 12, 2007
    nutin gets my pads wetter than my own mom:kiss:
  6. Zachthehomomcfuckface

    Zachthehomomcfuckface Newcumer

    Aug 12, 2007
    nuthing gets my pads wetter than my own mom
  7. addictedtolove

    addictedtolove Porn Surfer Suspended!

    Jan 20, 2007
    OMG you need to do another chapter one of the best stories i have ever read
  8. breaker1341

    breaker1341 Newcumer

    May 17, 2007
    i like it

    i really like your story and it make me real hardddddddddd
  9. mamasboy 10

    mamasboy 10 Porn Surfer

    Jan 23, 2009
    i love it the first time i fucked my mom we were drunk in my fathers truck at lovers lane i was sucking on moms huge juggs she was sucking on my cock till the cops kicked us out
  10. flyingape

    flyingape Porn Surfer

    Jan 4, 2009
    nice story mate, i like watching incest movies :D
  11. papasmurf57

    papasmurf57 Porn Surfer

    Jun 14, 2007
    Great Story. Easy to stroke to.:?
  12. etaker230

    etaker230 Porn Surfer

    Apr 29, 2008
    part 2 please :D

    IVA HARDON Porn Star

    Aug 11, 2008
    bring it one,incest is best.;)
  14. IAmLurker

    IAmLurker Amateur

    Dec 11, 2008
    Pretty good, definitely would like too see another chapter. One thing, try breaking the story into more paragraphs, makes it easier to read.
  15. esmith_48836

    esmith_48836 Porn Surfer

    Jan 23, 2009
    Hot Story

    You did good I think you did what a lot of us guys wish we could have done either with mom or one of mom's friends.
  16. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    You were only 10 yrs old when you realized it TWO years ago

    That makes you 12 and underage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you don't fix this you will be banned!
  17. mamasboy 10

    mamasboy 10 Porn Surfer

    Jan 23, 2009
    on top of my mother shes drunk smoking a cigarett humping her fondling her huge sagging juggs nothing better pumping her full of my cum way to go
  18. scoobywoohoo

    scoobywoohoo Newcumer

    Feb 25, 2007
    I hate to break it to you guys but this story was posted on the website a long time ago.
  19. SnakeEater

    SnakeEater Amateur

    Apr 25, 2008
    Yeah, it Was a while ago but if you run a search for all 12 maxam's posts there are 4 parts there.

    GREAT Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  20. scorpiutza

    scorpiutza Newcumer Suspended!

    Sep 1, 2008
    nice story mate, i like watching incest movies :D