EThekwini residents to be charged more for water and sanitation from 1 July
As of 1 July 2021, eThekwini Municipality will introduce an infrastructure levy to upgrade its water and sanitation infrastructure.

Do you live in eThekwini? Rest assured, you will be paying a water and sanitation (infrastructure) levy from July this year.
EThekwini Municipality will introduce an infrastructure levy effective from 1 July. The infrastructure levy will be charged at an additional R1. 50/Kl for water and R1. 50/Kl for sewerage disposal.
The municipality said the levy was approved at a Full Council meeting held on 27 May this year. According to the municipality, the aim is to upgrade ageing infrastructure that affects the efficient supply of water and the treatment of sewage effluent.
“The infrastructure levy will be charged at an additional R1. 50/Kl for water and R1. 50/Kl for sewerage disposal. The levy will run for three years to raise approximately R1 billion that will be used to upgrade the City’s water and sanitation infrastructure.
“The Municipality has experienced an increased number of faults at pump stations and treatment works which has impacted negatively on the delivery of basic water services. These faults are due to ageing infrastructure but can also be attributed to external factors including vandalism, load shedding, and the population expansion in the Municipality.”
EThekwini Municipality
The municipality also said that the implementation of the levy will ensure continued operations and maintenance with increased reliability of the water supply. It will further ensure both financial viability and infrastructure sustainability to continue with uncompromised water and sanitation service delivery.
eThekwini Municipality residents were having none of it on the municipality’s Facebook page when they made the announcement. Many were questioning why they pay rates if a new levy is going to be introduced for something they are already paying for and what the municipality does with the rates.
Vashni Durga said: “Additional levy? What are you doing with the money you are extorting from us every month? Is that going into someone’s back pocket? Before budgeting for your pay increase, bonuses, car allowances, etc. perhaps you should have a maintenance fund. It’s not the ageing infrastructure that’s the problem its the lack of responsibility by the municipality to check on pump stations, etc. If you did your jobs correctly starting 20 years ago, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”
Another resident wrote: “Sadly another way of getting money to waste on anything and everything except being used for upgrading of the infrastructure. It will not be long before the ratepayers are informed that the money has run out or has been stolen. I don’t have to be assured as it is a matter of time. We will be told to pay more as money has vanished.”
READ: eThekwini Municipality Water Outage Latest: City to fix problem