A house, a car and a Harley Davidson: How one SAA employee fraudulently claimed a multi-million rand tender
“Hey big spender! Forge that tender!”

An unnamed law firm has revealed that a R13.6 million payment was awarded to sourcing specialist Naomi Kwinda, who manipulated the forms for awarding tenders. She compiled a fake document with forged signatures of the airline’s senior staff.
Allegedly, the tender never made it to the bid adjudication committee and wasn’t even seen by the CEO.
Read: SAA embarrassed a woman by fat-shaming her in front of a whole plane
So, how was Kwinda dealt with after this incident? If you’re expecting the book to be thrown at her… you’d be wrong. Incredibly, all she has been faced with is a written warning.
Thirteen. Million. Rand… Written warning.
Kwinda reportedly said in her defence to SAA that she had indeed knowingly violated the airline’s policies, and blamed her divorce for causing her a huge amount of emotional instability – a defence that was accepted by her manager, named as Thami Sogwazile. According to The Sunday Independent, he “ignored advice to draft charges and convene a disciplinary hearing”.
Once she had acquired the fraudulent fortune, Kwinda wasted no time in making it rain. After all, if you spend all of the money really quickly, it’s like you’ve never had it… Isn’t it?
Read: SAA’s losses soar to R4.5bn in 2016/17 financial year
Her luxury purchases include numerous properties, a few cars (including a Range Rover), and a Harley Davidson motorbike. It seems like keeping a low profile was never on Kwinda’s agenda.
Despite all this – and the law firm’s recommendation that she faces charges for fraud – she still remains an employee at SAA, currently on maternity leave.
The Sunday Independent went as far to allege that Kwinda’s behaviour is being treated with leniency because it is “just the tip of the iceberg”, and they accuse senior SAA executives of “turning a blind eye because they are complicit on syphoning the airlines’ funds”
This news comes on the back of SAA asking for yet another government bailout after years of financial strife. With such a lax attitude to expenditure, it doesn’t take a Pravin Gordhan to work out why things have gone so wrong.