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  1. Jenny4298

    Jenny4298 Porn Star

    Oct 30, 2007
    Virgins are cute =)
  2. hornygirlwantsrp

    hornygirlwantsrp Porn Star Suspended!

    Nov 12, 2007
    nah virgins r better experienced guys who r hot (25-35) always try to pleasure themselves and any older is just ugly - virgin guys r so nervous they'll try to pleasure u as much as they can and when u fuk they let u be on top - how great's that?
  3. azchick12

    azchick12 Amateur

    Nov 13, 2007
    eh some virgins are cute... but guys that have done it more know how to make you feel great
  4. hornygirlwantsrp

    hornygirlwantsrp Porn Star Suspended!

    Nov 12, 2007
    yeah but with virgin guys you dont have to make them feel good - its all about you - they come in a couple of minutes
  5. spyder2003

    spyder2003 Sex Lover

    Oct 17, 2006
    Damn, that was a sick burn buddy.
    So, you'd fuck a teenager...how about a 23 year old soldier in the U.S. Army?
  6. someonesomthing

    someonesomthing Amateur

    Jul 20, 2007
    jesus chirst man. get out. this is not the time or the place. ffs.
  7. Furred Goddess

    Furred Goddess Big Beautiful Bitch

    Jun 27, 2006
    Sorry, I am married and I don't know you well enough, plus... why would you want a fat cow like me. I am sure a fit army guy would rather some hotty.
  8. Bax 026

    Bax 026 Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2007
    Furred Believe It Or Not Some People Love "Fat Cow"edness. However, You're Not A Fat Cow. You're A Wonderful Person That Is Fun To Be Around And Someone Who Should Have And Deserves Much More Self-Confidence.

    And Kid, This Forum Requires You Be At Least 18. Judging By Grammar, Spelling, And You're Questions I'd Say You're Either 14 Or 15. Come Back In 3-4 Years.
  9. sibboh

    sibboh Deep Throat Diva

    Aug 25, 2007
    This is really amazing..

    The opening gambit.. :!:

    FG: I understood what you were saying, without you spelling it out word for word..;)

    HeLLo: Did he not read the reply given by FG? Or did he think his 'spelling and gramma' was A.Ok?:confused:

    FG: Goddam woman.. You truly are nicest put down queen I've ever had the pleasure of meeting..:rose:

    HeLLo: Can he not see what's being said? Earning another :confused: which makes me :mad: cos I hate repeats.. :evil:

    FG: You hadda spell it out for him in the end eh? :D

    Spyder: But wait, what's this? An admirer? :kiss:

    FG: I would say to you.. you have class, you carry yourself well.. You may put yourself down because of your shape, but your body is only the shell.. the real you, the one that really counts.. that is hued with rich, deep colours.. You have the sass and the verve that many, wish they had.. :rose: :kiss: :rose:

    Summary: The opening gambit was answered succinctly and to the point.. If it had been me as the OP, I would have at least reviewed what I said, gone out bought a dictionary, concentrated real hard on what I was typing before replying to FG.. Hey, maybe even done a search on her posts, see what she was like as a person, before returning to ask for rp..

    And it would seem he has a 'thing' {more than 'seem' actually} for FG.. yet she still manages to swat him away like an unimportant annoyance, rather than somebody who will ruin her day.. {More power to you FG}..

    But still he comes back at you... what age? Is he really that anxious for your attentions? Can he not hear the wind as it blows the tumbleweed across the screen in a real bad western? Well? I think not somehow.. That is, until you bang your answer into his gahoonies with all the might of Mike Tyson..

    And now for the soldier.. or squaddie as we call 'em from this side of the pond.. Now Furred.. just backing this horny guy away with the 'I'm married' line would've done.. better to be beautiful on the inside, than ugly.. those people tend to alienate themselves pretty darn quick from everyone who matters, and then blame the people they alienate..

    Gods.. I've rambled more than the Fluffmeister.. but this lot just made me laugh.. as well as all the other posts about the spelling and grammer.. Good luck to you hello.. may you wake one day and realise that 'text type' is neither big nor clever when among grownups..;)