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Little League player won't apologize to coach who is suing him for $500,000

A California Little League coach who offered to drop his $500,000 lawsuit against a former player if he received an apology might not want to stick by his phone waiting.

Rajdep Chima, an attorney for the Little League player's family, told the Sacramento Bee this week that the 14-year-old's parents "don’t believe their child did anything wrong."

Alan Beck filed the lawsuit after he claims he tore his Achilles tendon when one of his players threw his batting helmet during a postgame celebration, despite being told not to.

After the lawsuit went viral, Beck offered to let it go if the player apologized. But the player's parents seem to have no intention of giving into the strange demands.

“I don’t see how it was possible, how what was alleged occurred,” Chima told the newspaper.

Beck told the newspaper he was surprised by all the attention paid to the lawsuit. "“It went viral. It went international,” he said.

The player's father, Joe Paris, told a California TV station earlier this month that the lawsuit had already cost the family $4,000 in legal fees.