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  1. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    double fucking post. I HATE this format.

    And by the way, why are we back down to 20 posts per page again?

    Oh, that's right. To give the illusion that the place is busy.

    Because it's dead.
  2. Prurient Purveyer

    Prurient Purveyer Porn Star

    May 13, 2010
    This is, first and foremost, a writing contest and the quality of expression is paramount.

    I'll leave it at that.
  3. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    Martin Amis and Tom Wolfe are not participating.

    • Like Like x 1
  4. CAW SOP

    CAW SOP Sex Machine

    Apr 30, 2012
    It IS a contest! And voting ends Saturday at midnight! Don't let your vote go unused!
    • Like Like x 2
  5. JayneyRedd

    JayneyRedd Porn Star

    Jan 31, 2010
    This is a most enjoyable story.

    There are some errors and as Black Ronin has pointed out there is some unneccessary wordage - he gave me that very same comment on one of my earlier works and was quite correct. I remember those words whenever I write now. A proof-reader and a bold editor would sort out those niggles, but my enjoyment of the story was not lessened by them, simply this tale would have been even better still.

    In places the narrative does seem a tad slow for a relatively short story, and in others it speeds up almost too quickly - however, this tale could easily be fleshed out to novella size in my opinion, where the slow sections would make more sense, and the shorter 'skips' in the story could be elaborated upon more fully. As I am not overly familiar with the character or the setting this didn't require me to make much in the way of suspension of belief, and would certainly be interested in reading a longer version of this.

    The sex scenes were beautifully done, the sexual tension as Izzy is bathing Robert is superb, and very sexy to boot. This went straight onto my short-list, and I think it will do well in the voting.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Norton X

    Norton X Oddball

    Dec 30, 2013
    Well done, JDM. :)
    • Like Like x 2
  7. polynesianbbw1

    polynesianbbw1 Newcumer

    Feb 12, 2015
    [QUOTE="CAW SOP, post: 6224324, member:

    Rob squatted down behind the barn door and peeked between the cracks between the boards. He knew what he was doing was wrong, and if caught his uncle would not be very happy, but he could not resist. He pressed his face closer to the rough wood and his left eye began to focus until the object of his inappropriate desires became clear. As she dropped her dress, he knew that whatever trouble he would get into if he was caught, was worth it. As she stood, he could see the profile of her body. Her firm breast stood high on her chest, her dark brown nipples harden in the coolness of the barn. Her skin looked as smooth as satin, and Rob could feel his manhood begin to rise in his trousers. He slowly backed away from the barn, and checked to see if it was safe for his departure. He slowly adjusted the bulge and walked toward the outhouse as quickly as he could.

    Robert, called Rob by his friends, had recently graduated from West Point Military Academy where he had been commissioned a brevet second lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers. The visit home, to his uncles Fairfax County home, was two folds. First he was awaiting assignment, and his mother was deathly ill. He had arrived the day before, and found his mother on her death bed. He regretted being away for so long and for not being there for his mother during her time of need. Rob and his mother were close. His father, a General in the Continental Army, had died several years earlier after being wounded in a political riot in Baltimore. Rob was only 11 when his father died so his mother and her family had raised him. All he could remember of his father was how he had lost everything, and ending up in prison. Rob’s Uncle William took his sister and her six kids in and had taken care of them. It was on his uncle’s recommendation that he had been accepted into West Point, so he was grateful to his uncle and looked up to him as a father.

    As most dignitaries’ in Virginia during the late 1820’s, William owned slaves. Unlike the stories Rob had heard while at West Point, his uncle treated his slaves with dignity but the thoughts Rob had going through his mind were far from being dignified. The young lady whom William had assigned to care for his dying sister was called Izzy. Rob had seen many slave girls in his life, but there was something about Izzy that intrigued him. When he arrived the day before, she had been kneeling beside his mother, wiping her forehead with a cloth. When he entered the room, Izzy lowered her head and backed into a corner beside the bed. He could not take his eyes off of her. Her hair was bound inside a bonnet. Her body was covered with a dress, so it was not those features that caught his eyes. Her dark brown eyes twinkled in the dim light of the lantern and the glow surrounded her face like a halo. Her skin looked smooth as brown silk, and as he consoled his mother, he fought back the urge to touch the slave girl. He sat in a chair opposite the girl. He tried to talk to her, but her only communication with him was about the condition of his mother.

    Rob went to sleep that night in the chair beside his mother with the vision of Izzy in his head. He had stayed there because he did not want to miss time with his mother, but having Izzy there was a welcomed pleasure. When he awoke, Izzy had placed a blanket over him to keep warm. As his sleepy eyes explored the room, he saw her asleep on the floor beside his mother’s bed. He sat there gazing upon her. He watched her chest rise and fall as she slept. He had never seen a more beautiful woman. She slept so peacefully, with her pink lips parted just a little. He wanted to kiss those lips and see how she tasted. Her dress had been pushed up her thighs as she slept. They we long and toned from her hard days of working around the house and farm. He wanted to see more, but he was afraid of being caught. He wanted her more than any woman he had ever seen before, but he knew his uncle would never allow it. His uncle strictly forbade the family to mingle with the slaves in any fashion, especially intimacy.

    Rob did not move when Izzy rose to check on his mother the next morning. He just watched her as she moved around taking care of the chores she had been assigned. It was not until Izzy had been relieved by another woman, did Rob move from his chair. Izzy had been sent to the barn for her bath. It was during that time that Rob had moved to the barn door to see her. He, his brothers and cousins had peeked numerous times at the slave women getting their baths when they were younger so he reenacted their sneaky ways to get a glimpse of Izzy, without her knowing. The sight of her naked body did not disappoint him. Izzy’s body was even better than Rob had dreamed. Her ample breast and flat stomach along with her long legs was fuel in the fire that burned inside of him for her. Before his animalistic desire overtook him, he left the barn. As he went back to his mother’s side, he smiled as he replayed her undressing.

    Rob was sound asleep when he was awoken by someone with their hand on his shoulder shaking him. He opened his eyes and saw Izzy. He looked into her brown eyes and saw them full of tears. He jumped to his feet and seen his uncle along with other family gathered around his mother’s bed. His uncle gave him a dreaded look, and Rob knew his mother was slipping away. He knelt beside her bed and held her hand. Rob had been brought up in church, but for the first time in his life he prayed. He prayed that his mother would survive and wake up. Unfortunately, that prayer was not answered, and as the sun rose, his mother slipped away.

    After the doctor left that morning, Rob went up to his room. He fell on his bed with a sad heart and stared up at the ceiling. Eventually, sleep found him and he rested. Out of respect, no one bothered him throughout the night and he slept soundly until he was wakened by a knock on his door the next morning. He got to his feet and opened the door to find his uncle. During his slumber, a messenger had arrived with Rob’s assignment. He was to report to Cockspur Island in Georgia to oversee the construction of a fort on the banks of the marshy Savannah River. His uncle gave him the assignment and advised him of the arrangements for his mother’s funeral and then left.

    Rob sat back on his bed and began to read the assignment again when there was another tapping on his door. He summons the person to come in. As he looked up from the document, he was surprised to see it was Izzy and a couple of the slave men carrying a tub and water.

    “Master Robert,” Izzy quietly said, “Master William has sent me to help you get a bath.”

    Rob just stared at her as the men sat the tub down and began to fill it with the water. Rob could not believe his luck. With all the bad news he had received in such a short time, now he was going to be bathed by a girl whom he had desired a few hours before. He knew that he would not be able to hide his desires and as he thought about having her hands on his body, his stomach began to churn.

    “Thank you Izzy, but I think I can do this myself,” he said as she knelt to unbuckle his belt. She remained on her knees in front of him as he stood and unbuckled his belt, and his trousers fell to the ground. He was embarrassed as his manhood stood proudly, pointing to the young woman’s plumb pink lips.

    He raised his legs, one at a time, allowing Izzy to pull his trousers away. He unbuttoned his shirt and handed it to her. He felt his face redden as shame washed over his body. He walked naked over to the tub and stepped in. He leaned back in the cool tub and closed his eyes. A soft moan escaped his lips as he felt her hands on his body. She washed his upper body, rubbing her soapy hands over his hairy chest and stomach. She pressed on his shoulder for him to sit forward and she washed his back. In her task, some of the water slashed upon her dress and Rob could see the formation of her firm breast, becoming transparent through the thin material. The sight did not help his situation one bit. As she reached across his body, her firm breast pressed against his bare chest. Rob could see his penis standing at full attention through the ripples of the bath water.

    Izzy moved to the foot of the tub. She lowered her arm into the water and raised his foot and leg up. She expertly washed his foot and leg up to his thigh. As her hand neared his scrotum, he jumped slightly. Embarrassed he looked at her, and for the first time since his arrival, she smiled at him. She gently lowered his leg and picked up the other and repeated. Rob wandered if she her actions were having the same affect on her. He noticed her dark brown nipples as they protruded from her wet thin dress. Her hand again neared his scrotum, again he jumped. This time Rob thought he heard a soft chuckle escape her lips. When she was finished with that leg, she lowered it into the water and took his hand and pulled it toward her signaling for him to stand. Rob resisted. He knew all his dignity would be gone if he stood. His manhood had become fully erect from the special treatment Izzy had given him and he was too embarrassed to stand, but she was persistent and continued to pull until he rose to his feet.

    As he stood, he looked down at her. He caught a glimpse of her pink tongue wipe across her lips as she looked down at his stiff member standing above her as she raised her dress and stepped into the tub with him. She squatted in the water and rubbed her hand up between his legs. He moaned as her hand cupped his testicles and rubbed them between her hands. Her hands moved to his buttocks. She rubbed her hands along his crack and he felt his member begin to pulse. When she was done, she cupped water in her small hands and doused his testicles and buttocks, rinsing the soap from them. Then her small fingers wrapped around his staff. She moved her hand back and forth rubbing the soap into his hardness. He could not resist moving his hips in rhythm with her stroking and he could feel a boiling inside his testicles, then she stopped.

    By this time, she was as wet as he was and her wet clothes hid nothing from his eyes. She stepped from the tub and untied her dress and pulled the clingy material from her body and covered herself with a towel. She then extended a hand, to help him step from the tub. She took another towel and dried his upper body and worked her way down his hips and legs. She knelt on the wooden floor. He placed a hand on her smooth shoulder to keep his balance as she dried his foot; he repeated the same action as she dried the other. Still on her knees, she placed the towel on the floor and looked up at him.

    Against everything he had been taught, he lowered and raised her up to her feet. He moved his hands to her chest where the towel was overlapped and pulled it. The towel fell and he looked down at the breast he had seen the day before through the hole at the barn. This time however, her dark nipples were much harder. He placed his hands on each of her breast and gently squeezed. She made no sound. H continued to massage her breast, opening his fingers to allow her nipples to peek between them. He squeezed his fingers together, and a moan escaped her lips.

    He gently pushed her onto his bed. As she lay looking at him he scanned her body. He looked at her flat stomach, and the thick patch of hair above her vagina. Her long legs hung from his bed. He slowly bent down and lifted her legs and spread them. Without a word, he moved closer, pushing his member in line with her vagina. When he looked at her face, she was laying with her eyes closed, as she gripped the covers of the bed with anticipation of his entry. He pushed himself into her gently. He could not help but moan as her silky vagina took his manhood. When their bodies met, he withdrew and then pushed back into her. He could not believe the tightness and the moisture of her and he could not restrain from the urge to ravish her. As he continue to pump in and out of her, her breathing became staggered. He could feel sweat popping out on his chest and forehead as he continued. Her butt lifted off the bed as her vagina tightened even more around his manhood. He could not hold back any longer and with one last thrust inside her, he released his semen into her.

    He braced himself on his arms beside her. As his orgasm subsided, shame washed over him. He quickly withdrew from Izzy. He looked and seen his semen escape her vagina and he found the contrast of his white liquid against her dark skin enhance his shame. With out a word, Izzy raised herself from the bed and placed a dry dress over her body. As Rob began to dress, she knocked on the door, and the two men returned to retrieve the tub.

    Secret of Robert E. Lee.

    Once Rob was dressed, he exited his room to join his family for the funeral of his mother. As he descended the stairs, he noticed a young woman talking to his uncle. When he approached them, he recognized the girl as Mary Custis, a friend from his childhood. Mary stood by his side during the service. For the next couple of days before his time to report, he and Mary spent a lot of time together, and on his departure, he asked her father permission to write her. At first her father refused. He did not think the son of the disgraced Major General “Light Horse Harry” Lee was suitable for his daughter. This did not stop Rob, he and Mary exchanged letters in secret for some time, until her father finally gave his approval. Rob married Mary on June 30, 1831.

    While on leave for their wedding, Rob once again visited his uncle’s home. He was somewhat disappointed when he arrived and found Izzy was no longer there. When he asked his uncle of the slave girls where abouts, his uncle told him he had freed her after giving birth to a son. Rob did not ask his uncle for any details of the boy’s father, but dismissed himself from his uncle’s presence to accompany his future wife to a party held in their honor.[/QUOTE]
  8. polynesianbbw1

    polynesianbbw1 Newcumer

    Feb 12, 2015
    This was an extravagant and mild story. However, the rapture of his feelings has a twist that no one even had known about his desires for the slave girl Izzy. The aftermath of it all was a son when he returned, wow.

    This story in my own words to the writer "priceless" and "well written"...
    • Like Like x 3
  9. Sweetcreekcowgirl

    Sweetcreekcowgirl Porno Junky

    Nov 12, 2013
  10. Sweetcreekcowgirl

    Sweetcreekcowgirl Porno Junky

    Nov 12, 2013
    Love Robert E. Lee. Thank you.