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  1. onehunglow

    onehunglow Sex Lover

    Nov 21, 2010
    last night was merely a reflection of my current work life , me sitting my former friend down and chewing her out about how I earned her trust and respect and she tossed it all away - woke up shortly thereafter.

    one of my most interesting dreams happened October 2018 . I was dreaming that my astral self was 'roaming' down roads I drive everyday , there was a car accident at one of the intersections I would stop at - I was pulled into the accident comforting the spirit of the person that had died, all I could feel was the confusion and fear emanating from this soul ,confusion about what was happening - I let him know he had passed - he had died . then the thoughts of sadness that his mother was going to get the call informing her of his death . I explained there was nothing more to be done - no more worries , let it all go . I guided him to the light and let him know it was alright - just go into the light . I could see the accident scene, the ambulances responding , the police officers blocking off the road , fire department doing their jobs. I woke up in bed and turned on my emergency scanner - they were advising the second responding ambulance on where to park in relation to the accident and called for the on duty medical examiner to contact dispatch . this was EXACTLY where I had just been in my 'dream ' at the EXACT time the other driver was passing away. I had no connection to either of the drivers involved . the only connection would be that I used to work with that ambulance service from 2009 to 2012 . this 'dream' is haunting ...
    • Like Like x 2
    1. StrawberryCupcake
      Wow! That’s really amazing.
      StrawberryCupcake, Feb 1, 2020
      Cum fuck me and onehunglow like this.
    2. deegenerate
      Wow! That really is amazing. I have no other words for it.
      deegenerate, Feb 1, 2020
    3. onehunglow
      the world can be a strange place at times
      onehunglow, Feb 2, 2020
      deegenerate likes this.
    4. onehunglow
      October 04, 2018 04:54 PM

      One man is dead and another is hospitalized after a crash in St. Croix County, Wisconsin, early Thursday morning.

      According to the sheriff's office, deputies responded to a two-vehicle crash around 7:30 a.m. on Highway 63 and County Road G in Emerald, Wisconsin.

      Preliminary investigation and witness statements show 27-year-old Joshua D was driving east on G. Joshua failed to stop at a stop sign, the sheriff's office said, and struck a truck driven by 49-year-old Brian H. H's truck rolled into the ditch.

      Joshua D. was pronounced dead at the scene. H. was taken to Regions Hospital in St. Paul with injuries.

      source is KSTP channel 5 news - headline , 1 KILLED, 1 HOSPITALIZED AFTER CRASH IN ST. CROIX COUNTY, WISCONSIN

      I can't explain the 'dream' and the events that happened afterwards.
      onehunglow, Feb 2, 2020
  2. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I had a dream in which my father was still alive. I knew it was a dream, because Dad died years ago. :(
    • Empathize Empathize x 3
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    1. deegenerate
      I occasionally dream about my Mom, and she has been gone since 2014. I always wake up feeling odd after one of those.
      deegenerate, Feb 2, 2020
      Distant Lover and Cum fuck me like this.
  3. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    Wow, I had a really strange dream last night!
    I was responsible for taking care of an estate and was going through a room filled with family things, when I came across a sarcophagus with a woman inside. She was dried like a mummy but without any wrappings. I felt responsible for her condition, so I put water into the sarcophagus to rehydrate her. As the day went on, I kept checking in on her, and I noticed that her skin softened and she looked so alive that I was worried that she was going to wake up and grab me. I could almost see her breathing, so I spent the rest of my time in the room making sure I didn't get close enough for her to grab me.

    Thankfully I woke up before the rehydrated woman got me!
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    1. StrawberryCupcake
      Sorry I laughed but sounds like something I’d dream lol.
      StrawberryCupcake, Feb 6, 2020
      Cum fuck me and deegenerate like this.
    2. Truthful 1
      Holy mackerel Dee. I glad you were there and not me I would still be scared lol
      Truthful 1, Feb 6, 2020
    3. hilltoperxyz169
      Because you miss someone Special in your life and wish there were here with you
      hilltoperxyz169, Feb 24, 2021
  4. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    Last night I couldn’t sleep so instead of counting sheep,I just counted all you XNXX women jumping over the fence nude . And then I really couldn’t sleep I also couldn’t roll over lol lol lol lol
    • Funny Funny x 4
    1. deegenerate
      Did you count the bouncing boobies?
      deegenerate, Feb 6, 2020
      Cum fuck me and Truthful 1 like this.
    2. Truthful 1
      Some girls booby’s got caught on the fence I had to help them over. I didn’t want them to get damaged. I’m a gentleman Dee lol
      Truthful 1, Feb 6, 2020
      Cum fuck me and deegenerate like this.
  5. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    I had two that I remember from last night:

    I dreamed that I was back in college and was nearing the start of my last semester, and worrying about if I had enough credits to graduate.
    I have no idea where that came from!

    Then I fell back to sleep and dreamed that I was selling my mermaid sculptures at a craft boutique, but for some reason I was traipsing all over the place looking for my booth. I was a woman on a mission, and determined to find it before it opened to the public!
    • Like Like x 4
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    1. hilltoperxyz169
      Because you have a path in life that you are looking for
      hilltoperxyz169, Feb 24, 2021
  6. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    I had a strange one last night. I was organizing a family birthday party, and was trying to round up all of the relatives, and sat down to talk to my Grandma while I took a break. She was telling me about these bones she found in my closet after I grew up and moved out of the house, so she had given them away, and never knew what happened to them. I sat silently listening to her, glad that now nobody would know about the body I had hidden in there!
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Useful Useful x 1
    1. Cum fuck me
      You do seem to have some interesting dreams.

      Mr. C
      Cum fuck me, Feb 11, 2020
    2. deegenerate
      I read too many murder mysteries, I think! lol
      deegenerate, Feb 11, 2020
    3. StrawberryCupcake
      Geez I wish my grandma would hide bodies for me. :p
      StrawberryCupcake, Feb 11, 2020
    4. submissively speaking
      Thanks, Grandma. :laugh:
    5. hilltoperxyz169
      You miss someone very much
      hilltoperxyz169, Feb 24, 2021
  7. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    Last night I had a dream about three Beautiful Canadian girls . Quite a story .
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    1. Truthful 1
      We were all in Subby’ hot tub , I was just about. Eat @Cherrypop ,s pussy when I hear @submissively speaking say hey wait one second I’m first I’ve known him longer and he owes me for putting up him . So I move over to Subby , then all of the sudden , @BigSuzyB picks me up by my hair and say’s just one second you little fucker I’m first . Holy mackerel. What a dream
      Truthful 1, Feb 12, 2020
      Cum fuck me likes this.
    2. Cum fuck me
      So you got to sit and watch. Lucky. Mr. C
      Cum fuck me, Feb 12, 2020
    3. Truthful 1
      Oh no you misunderstand I was the one eating the pussys . Who’s on first was the beautiful misunderstanding lol
      Truthful 1, Feb 12, 2020
      Cum fuck me likes this.
    4. Cherrypop
      Haha omg
      Cherrypop, Feb 13, 2020
      Truthful 1 likes this.
    5. Truthful 1
      I’m still dreaming lol
      Truthful 1, Feb 13, 2020
  8. naztypanty

    naztypanty Porn Star

    Dec 16, 2010
    I dream a lot about my dog friend Jade. She was my constant companion for 14 years. Saw me through many girlfriends. She's still living in my dreams ten years after her death. We find each other in my dreams and love on each other.
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  9. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    The other night I was dreaming that I was on the highway, and needed to piss really, really bad. So I pulled into this rest stop, got out of my car and seen a state trooper parked up front. I started dancing around trying not to piss my pants, and tried making it look like I was stretching my legs.

    Suddenly his blue lights came on and he pulled out. I just undid my pants and started pissing, and pissing, and pissing. I couldn't stop pissing, it was such a relief. Then this warm feeling started filling my body, I felt so warm and I kept pissing and pissing. Until I got an elbow to the head from my wife, and woke up to her screaming, YOU PISSED THE BED, YOU PISSED THE BED
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Winner Winner x 2
    1. Cum fuck me
      And I thought @deegenerate had some strange dreams. If I was your wife, you would have gotten more than a elbow to the head. Mrs. C
      Cum fuck me, Feb 12, 2020
      Truthful 1, Jack Mine and deegenerate like this.
  10. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    I’ve mentioned it before I believe, I always dream that I’m falling always wake up before hitting the bottom .I always wonder about the dream . For a very good reason . What a strange relaxed feeling I feel when falling . It seems so fast and all the feeling goes out fast ,Floods out of my body . Then I wake up . Thank god
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I still remember the Irish Setter I grew up with. Sometimes I dream that he is still alive.
    • Empathize Empathize x 2
  12. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    With someone else I entered a long building that looked like it may have been a church at one time. Where the nave would have been there was a large, empty room. In front of that room there was a smaller room with tables with many flower pots on them. The bottom third of the flower pots were filled with soil. The next third was filled with slices of apples that were shaped like French fries. In each of the flower pots lived a small black bird that was called a funeral bird. One of the funeral birds left his pot, and ran across the longer room. I chased him. He did not fly, but he ran faster than I did.

    When I went back into the smaller room I asked the other person, “How can these birds stay alive with no food, and no water?” He did not answer.

    I woke up and thought about the dream. When I went back to sleep I was in the long, empty room. Someone walked down from upstairs who looked vaguely familiar to me. When he nodded to me, I asked him, “What is upstairs?”

    He answered, “There is a lot of paper. It is newspaper. I want to read the newspapers, but I cannot afford to.”

    Before leaving the building I cleaned up some of the trash that was lying around.
    • Like Like x 2
  13. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I think Sigmund Freud and Carl G. Jung overestimated the importance of dreams. Few psychiatrists and psychologists ask their patients about dreams any more. They only discuss them if a patient brings up a dream. Some of my dreams are obviously wish fulfillment fantasies. When I wake up I feel good, until I realize they were only dreams. :(

    Some dreams seem to uncover suppressed feelings of hostility or depression. Fortunately, when I wake up the feeling dissipates after a half hour or so. Most of my dreams are like the one I explained in my comment # 52. They lack any obvious meaning, and are simply images that float up while I sleep.

    Sometimes I dream about something, wake up, and go back to sleep and resume the dream. Sometimes I know I am dreaming when I am. When I dream about my parents being still alive, part of me thinks, "I cannot live without them." The other part thinks while the dream is happening, "They died long ago and I survived."
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I am one of a large number of men who enter a wash room with a large number of basins to wash up. However, as soon as I find a basin I am rudely pushed aside by a larger and younger man, who begins to use the basin himself.

    If I want to fight him, I should hit his right kidney with a back hand punch with my left fist, and follow it with a right hook to his right kidney with my right fist. Then I should turn him around, and land a right punch straight to his chin.

    Do I still have the power to make those punches effective? Probably not. I will just anger him enough to beat me up. Even if I win, I will be arrested. In our culture fist fighting is unacceptable for grown men. I walked out of the wash room without washing myself.

    For about a half hour after I woke up I felt like a teenage boy who had backed down from a bully.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Sanity_is_Relative

    Sanity_is_Relative Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2015
    Last night I was dreaming about NUC sized servers that led to drive banks that have petabyte storage all in the size of a full ATX case and are all hot swappable.
    4.5"x 4.5" x 1.5" and 27" x 10" x 10". Think the size of an average desktop with the power to run Yahoos daily needs.
    • Like Like x 2
  16. naztypanty

    naztypanty Porn Star

    Dec 16, 2010
    I frequently have dreams where there's sculpture and/or interesting buildings... often large, unique things that do not have any prior existence before my sleeping brain creates them. Often I will sketch them when I get up. I've created some interesting art that way.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  17. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    I dreamed that I did two karaoke songs, snd one was with a lot of music to drown out my singing, and one was mostly just me. Then I found out Steve Perry was going to be at the same place I was, and was going to listen to some of the songs. I was trying to hide the song that I didn’t like so he would hear the better one!
    • Funny Funny x 3
    1. hilltoperxyz169
      Funny one
      hilltoperxyz169, Feb 24, 2021
  18. DiabloGolfer

    DiabloGolfer Porn Star

    Jun 21, 2012
    A blowjob. Woke up disappointed - again. :facepalm:
    • Empathize Empathize x 2
  19. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    During nap time, dreampt I was at my hero place and I asked a girl who worked there what another girls name was...Clair, is as close as I remember
    • Like Like x 3
  20. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I have been ordered to prepare for the execution of a young black man. I dislike what I am doing, because I do not know what he has been accused of, or even if he is guilty.
    • Empathize Empathize x 2