Have a college degree, 250 Twitter followers and a blog? Then you can be a senior manager at Best Buy!


Well, could have been a senior manager—the job seems to have already been filled. Still, let’s talk about it. Best Buy recently posted a job ad on its Web site looking for someone who would be “he primary lead for the Best Buy’s mobile, social, and video marketing and media efforts to drive in-store and online sales, create sustainable word-of-mouth evangelists, and brand loyalists.” Yup, that’s what a senior manager of emerging media does. No soul required, it seems.

You know a job is suspect when the entire Crunch Family (CrunchGear, MobileCrunch, TechCrunch, CrunchCrunch, etc.) qualifies, no questions asked. Here’s what Best Buy was looking for:

• Bachelors degree Liberal Arts, Marketing, Interactive Marketing, New Media, Business Administration or related

• 2 plus years of mobile or social media marketing experience at an Agency director level, strategist level, or brand interactive director level

• 4 plus years People or resource leadership experience

• 1 plus years of active blogging experience

250 plus followers on Twitter

A graduate degree is “preferred,” but who needs an education when you have Twitter followers? (Am I right?!)

Too bad the position was already filled. Not that Best Buy would have hired me, given my opinion of it.

via Revolution Mag


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