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  1. xxxeccentric

    xxxeccentric Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2021
    Seriously, it was a positive part time career for my wife. Johns were screened, upscale, and typically educators, administrators, yet, most were also well hung.
    She loved that combination along with money for what she might have paid some of the guys for. She fucked a lot of grad students...including giants from Nigeria.

    Style13c64 sep.jpg
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  2. Meanmfman

    Meanmfman Sex Machine

    Jan 7, 2018
    A guy in a bar offered to pay my sister and me each $800 if he could watch us have sex. He said he would pay for a hotel room and even offered us a pretty good amount of cocaine if we wanted. Imagine his surprise when we told him that we were really brother and sister.
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    1. xxxeccentric
      He would have paid a LOT more, if you told him your relationship...then asked for a new bid.
      xxxeccentric, Jun 21, 2021
      Darrin Jones likes this.
  3. Boundpoet

    Boundpoet Sex Lover

    Mar 16, 2021
    I was never paid cash but a woman did pay for hotel, food, and drinks so I’d fuck her while her husband attended his conference
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  4. Curious_Cat74

    Curious_Cat74 Porn Surfer

    Jan 24, 2021
    Yes I have. Once by a Boss at work, and couple of other times in NYC. Long stories. Husband loves it. received_478510869797205.jpg
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    2. sirius1902
      would love to hear those stories....
      sirius1902, Jun 20, 2021
      Curious_Cat74 likes this.
    3. silenceisgolden
      silenceisgolden, Jun 20, 2021
      Curious_Cat74 likes this.
  5. LadyTanya

    LadyTanya Sexy Tease

    Oct 21, 2020
    Never been offered directly.
    Only happened abroad so they have asked my male companion
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  6. avrajwytboy

    avrajwytboy Porn Star

    Mar 2, 2021
    I have been to a couple adult stores with girlfriends. The first time at one that is also a truck stop. I am looking around because I have time to kill. A guy comes up to me and asked if I was working. When I looked for the cashier he disappeared. Took a couple seconds for me to realize what happened. I don't really know what he looked like, but I still felt flattered. I was almost 40.
  7. bilezmilf

    bilezmilf Sex Lover

    Jan 12, 2021
    back in college. a guy offered my cousin and I 10,00o to use us for the weekend with his friends. I turned that down and so did she. I would have sucked their cocks if he asked us but since money come up then I shot him down
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    1. Truthful 1
      That’s funny they blew there own chances . Milf
      Truthful 1, Jun 20, 2021
      xxxeccentric likes this.
  8. boredathome_2

    boredathome_2 Porno Junky

    May 21, 2017
    No I haven't. I must be too old or could be because I'm a mom and I don't usually dress sexy in public.
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  9. xxxeccentric

    xxxeccentric Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2021
    Wife working in Vegas, at the Luxor.
    *this was taken by one of the other guys, who was waiting his turn.

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  10. Weplay2

    Weplay2 Amateur

    Oct 26, 2020
    No but I wish ... Hahaha!
  11. HdAbzGrl

    HdAbzGrl Porn Star

    Jan 24, 2014
    Yes I have been offered. No, I didn’t take it.
  12. KinkyGuy1999

    KinkyGuy1999 Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    Sort of, years back I had a after work group that I ran with. They all wanted to go to a local, small venue concert. As it turned out, everyone sort of 'paired up' as 'couples' tickets were only slightly higher than singles. That left me and an somewhat attractive older lady from work as the two 'singles'. I really did not want to go, I had no interest in the venue or the group playing. As I was leaving, hoping to get out of there before I had to commit to anything, she stopped me saying “please go with me, I already bought the tickets, I'll make it worth your while”.

    I agreed and, on the night of the concert, I went to her house to pick her up. She invited me in and handed me a hundred dollar bill saying “for drinks and stuff”. She then went to her knees and unzipped my jeans and took out my cock. She sucked it like a professional. Within seconds, she had me cumming. I pumped her throat and emptied my balls in her sexy mouth. She zipped me up and said “let's go”, no cleanup for either of us. After the painfully boring concert, I took her home. I asked “want me to walk you to the door?”. She replied “no, but I'd sure like to taste that cock of yours again”.

    With that, she unzipped me and went down on me again, taking my second my load. She sat back up in the seat and said “thanks for everything”. I asked her “want your change back?”. She smiled saying “no, it's yours, thanks for everything”. So yeah, I got paid forty or so dollars for two BJs (excluding the pain of suffering through that concert).
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    2. KinkyGuy1999
      If it had been a concert I wanted to attend, it would have been better! But, it was good at the end of the day.
      KinkyGuy1999, Jun 24, 2021
    3. sealfan
      Fair point. Would have been a much worse concert without two BJs though
      sealfan, Jun 24, 2021
      KinkyGuy1999 likes this.
    4. KinkyGuy1999
      Absolutely! And, a little spending cash. I was pretty broke back then, and I think she knew it.
      KinkyGuy1999, Jun 24, 2021
    5. sealfan
      I kinda wish this kind of thing would happen to me lol
      sealfan, Jun 24, 2021
    6. KinkyGuy1999
      I really didn't have the maturity to really appreciate it. She was older and a lower executive type. I was intimidated by the whole thing, even the blowjob.
      KinkyGuy1999, Jun 24, 2021
  13. slimgreen4040

    slimgreen4040 Sex Lover

    Mar 15, 2021
    My wife's boss bought her a new car. She didn't want to accept it at first, but now she drives it proudly. He also paid for her hair extensions ($2200) for her birthday a month ago. He's even going to take our family to Hawaii in August. He even asked if we wanted to move in with him at his estate. It's huge and the guest house is bigger than what we're in now. My wife doesn't think it's a good idea, but she's having mixed thoughts. My wife said he's never came onto her, but I saw some texts in her phone that that were way more than coming onto her. She even sent a text to him saying that she needed to go home first, but will definitely swing by a little later. Help me think of something good to tell him. ....That one pissed me off. She's trying to come up with some lie to go out. Anyway I became suspicious and did some spying. She went over to his place that evening. I could see pretty much straight through the living room where they were sitting. She sat really close to him and immediately started kissing. I couldn't believe it. They kept making out and my wife wound up naked. . I watched him then fuck her for about 25 minutes and then they laid there. I didn't do anything at that very moment, but confronted my wife when she got home. She tried flipping it asking me why I followed her, and that it was wrong of me. And that I never refuse any of the gifts from him. She said, " do you really think he would be doing all he has for us, if he wasn't getting any. I asked how long it was going on. She told me they fucked when she interviewed for the job. That was over a year ago.
  14. errazzzki

    errazzzki Amateur

    Jul 2, 2015
    Stripper with dignity lol
  15. traci27

    traci27 Porno Junky

    Jan 4, 2008
    My former landlord often did not charge me rent on my apartment since I took care of his sexual needs.
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