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  1. LOAnnie2

    LOAnnie2 Porno Junky

    Jun 27, 2013
    So I'm sure this has been asked plenty of times before, but comments on stories have made me think recently. Quite a few stories get the "Not my cup of tea" treatment as it were, comments going more toward the technical aspects than the story because of it. So as a companion to the thread asking how people mark their stories content:

    What content in stories are major turn-ons for you?
    Turn-offs? (aka, getting the not my type of story treatment).
    Anything that can be iffy depending on context?
  2. LOAnnie2

    LOAnnie2 Porno Junky

    Jun 27, 2013
    I'll answer my own question first:

    My own particular turn-ons in stories include:
    *anal (hate getting it IRL, but it's by far my biggest mental kink)
    *Blackmail/coercion (or the pseudo idea of consentual non-consent--it's so much more interesting when the victim unwittingly agrees to what is going to happen)
    *Male Dominant
    *Olden Man(Men) younger women (18-24).
    *Forced Orgasms
    *Semi-plausable scenarios

    *non-sexual violence (i.e. I'd be more okay reading a rape story than a story about someone being hacked to bits)
    *consentual incest

    *non-consentual incest (my mind can't wrap around loving a relative in that way)
    *rape (ironic I know since I do have one series of stories that outright goes this route, and preferably not too violent/brutal)
    *Female Dominant (the more subtle woman in control instead of Dominatrix makes all submit)
    *Humiliation (I think the idea can be awesome, but depending on how it's done it can quickly take me out of the story--I wish I could explain better)

    Of course this doesn't mean I only like stories with the turnons or automatically hate all stories with the turn-offs (as I've demonstrated in my stories I'm more than willing to go off type (My Date with Emily, In Kind) if I come up with an amazing story for it.
  3. Redlust

    Redlust Porn Star

    Oct 25, 2009
    I'm one of those that often does the 'Not my style' comment. just because I know my tastes or my turnoffs are completely unfair to the writer.

    I'm stealing your format btw though rearranging it.


    *Snuff (which should go with out saying includes cannabalism)
    *Rape/non consensual/coercion/cbt/torture
    *Death/suicide in non sexual setting (I don't mind them in non sex stories but when the main character Hero/heroine dies it ruins the mood)
    *generally sad endings, drama is good and having sadness to create atmosphere is fine but I don't want to come away from a sex story sad.
    *Male on Male stuff/trans, no interest.
    *Very young (I can usually just tack on another 5-8 years onto any age that seems young within reason. When authors go into the single digits my suspension of disbelief snaps). that being said

    My own particular turn-ons in stories include:
    *I like teen characters on the story side not the forum side the rules/policing is different on the two sides.
    *I read alot of mind control and body modification stories. and to a broader extent scifi/fantasy sex stories in general on the story sight.
    *I read a lot of consentual incest
    *lesbian/or female bi
    *happy endings


    *bdsm/dominition submission if its done well can be fantastic
    *cheating/blackmail/humiliation typically a no for me but I've seen them done spectacularly in the right hands.
  4. Redbeard1031

    Redbeard1031 Sex Machine

    Jun 28, 2013
    LoAnnie As you know I am a big fan of most of the topics that you write about. It is a treat when your writings vears from your normal interests too. It is also interesting to watch your growth as a writer with each story that you add to your repetoire.
  5. N.E. Woman

    N.E. Woman More Spicy than Sweet

    Dec 11, 2014
    I took some of Redlust's, hence the comment about cbt.

    *Rape/non consensual/cbt/torture - I don't even know what "cbt" is.
    *Young - I'm willing to read teens together, but any kind of adult/ young, does not interest me.

    Turn -ons:
    *Coercion - unless it's too over the top
    *Mystery/ Suspense
    *Believable - it doesn't have to be based in reality, but I prefer tales that are in the realm of possibility
    *M/M, F/M/M - all combinations for the most part
    *Happy endings

    *BDSM - too hard core and you've lost me

    I prefer to tell people that their stories theme isn't "my cup of tea", (I literally wrote that) because I want to explain why I can't just write, "I liked/loved your story". I feel it's unfair for me to put my own views on a particular genre, in a comment where it might have been an extraordinary story.

    In addition, I very rarely just "give up" on a story. It has to be so over the top in actions I don't like, or so badly written (spelling, typos or "text speak"). Until recently I haven't been leaving comments, that will change. Like it or hate it... I will be leaving comments now. So look out... ;)
  6. Brootforce

    Brootforce Porn Star

    Jan 21, 2013
    Maybe I can help you express this by saying my feelings on it.

    Humiliation can be very sexually arousing as long as it does not cross the line into disgusting. A little slapping around and telling the character that they are a slut and only good as a place do dump cum, that can get arousing. However having them do something truly disgusting in order to humiliate them is just sick.

    I will give what I consider a great example of this. This is from a story I am writing. This comes at the end of what I think of as a great sex scene. The tone goes from Wow to Gross in about one sentence. This was written in for effect.

    Rebecca sat up and wiped the drops off of her lip and into her mouth. Now that is a good taste, she thought. Then she looked up at the expression on his face and couldn’t figure out what it meant. She started to worry that she had not done it right.

    Michael saw the fear creep into her eyes. “Baby, that was absolutely amazing.” He whispered in awe. Then he reached out and took her, smiling, into his arms. As she lay with her head on his chest, he asked her. “Why don’t you have a gag reflex?”

    “My mom made us eat liver twice a week because she and dad both love it. I hate it! It is disgusting. But if I gagged, she would slap me, and if I threw up she would make me eat it again. That was worse than eating it the first time, so I learned not to gag or throw up.”

    “She made you eat your own vomit?”


    Michael was glad she was looking down his body. She could not see the tears streaming out of his eyes. He was glad her parents were in jail. He had never wanted to kill anyone as badly as he wanted to torture them into a slow, very painful death.

    The intent is to show the depravity and sheer brutality of the abuse the main character has received from her parents. I think I hit the nail right on the head.
  7. snowleopard3200

    snowleopard3200 Guardian of the Snow

    Jan 15, 2008
    My preferences, in general:

    Turn offs:

    * Male on Male in any shape, form or style
    * Racism, bigoted and similiar matters
    * Rape, coerced sex by violence and intimidation
    * Vulgar or profane language used to extreme degrees
    * Overly gory or graphically described scenes
    * Overly violent story line

    * Snuff
    * Scat
    * Cannibalism

    * Poorly written plots, massive grammatical errors, and the like which make the story itself painful to read or understand.

    Note - anyone who is familiar with my writing knows I have posted war themed and assassin themed stories: in such cases, as long as the violence and graphic content are kept to the bare minimum needed to advance the story I can make some allowance.

    Turn - On:

    Whatever else hits my fancy in a story I read. I either like it or I do not, it is fairly simple in my view of it. Sometimes a story will lose me, but still have something to it which I return to for a second or third read.

    When I tell someone that such-and-such story is 'not my cup of tea' then I try to leave a reason as to why, plus anything good/bad I find in the story itself.

    Just because I cannot get into a story is no excuse on my part to not recognize and compliment a well written, structured and executed story.

    Sometimes a story by a new and upcoming author may not be filled with errors (and I know how far I still have to go with my own) yet show within it potential that comes to fruition by practice, practice, practice.

    I will often state on such stories something akin to "Good story and I see the potential as your writing style grows..."
  8. Torodon

    Torodon Porno Junky

    Sep 29, 2009
    The big problem...

    The real problem about feedback, is that when the listing describes the story as having anal sex in it, and the feedback gives a negative rating because they do not like anal...that is an unfair rating. Read the description, if it contains something you do not like...then don't read the story in the first place. I have written stories that are rather aggressive, and my listing indicates that fact, only to have someone rake my story over the coals because they did not like violent sex acts. People should rate the story based on the intended content, rather than the desired content.
  9. N.E. Woman

    N.E. Woman More Spicy than Sweet

    Dec 11, 2014
    This comment perfectly illustrates the purpose of the thread I recently posted...... How do you classify your story. Sometimes the title will give a reader a clue as to what it contains.... "How I seduced my dad". Obviously the story is about incest, possibly among other taboo subjects. So if someone isn't into that.... They should either not read it, or read it and leave comments based on the writing, not the topic.
  10. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    Borrowing format and verbiage from others before me. I'm pretty vanilla.

    *Rape/non consensual/torture (I don't know what "cbt" is either).
    *Young - I'm willing to read teens together, but any kind of adult/ young, does not interest me.

    Turn -ons:
    *Mystery/ Suspense
    *Believable - it doesn't have to be based in reality, but I prefer tales that are in the realm of possibility
    *M/M, F/M/M - all combinations for the most part
    *Happy endings or tender endings
    *Consensual acts

    *Coercion - unless it's too over the top
    *BDSM - too hard core and you've lost me
    *Same sex
  11. LeahR

    LeahR Sex Lover

    Sep 19, 2010
    Turn offs:

    1. Magic for the most part.
    2. Snuff for any part.
    3. Any ages younger than 16ish. (I am writing a story with 15 year old characters, but they are not having sex with anyone)
    4. "My mom and dad had been killed by a drunk driver and the insurance settlement left me a large amount of money, which, by clever investments in the stock market, I had turned into a large fortune...." Deus ex machina anyone?
    5. Anal if it is pretty much the main theme, some anal is fine.

    Turn ons:

    1. Romance (Yes, nice and sappy, please)
    2. Build up, not right into the sex, although sometimes it can be okay, as it was in LOAnnie's "In Kind."
    3. Incest except not adult/child, so siblings, cousins, etc.

    Probably think of more later.
  12. Redlust

    Redlust Porn Star

    Oct 25, 2009
    I love how everyone trust's me... you women could be secret Cock and Ball Torture enthusiasts but "No RL says he doesn't like CBT let's just trust him.";)
    Its a niche some people love but...

    I've never understood that... even if I miss one of the tags by skimming over it too quick that's not the authors fault (now the discussion could be had about failing to tag certain things in your story and then being offended when folks vote it down).

    I.E. I don't like snuff but I do like The_Greek on the story site I read through all his recently because my new story is an homage to his non-snuff stuff. I get to the bottom of a story that I didn't like and I see 10+ comments about 'why the death?' and it was well marked. I don't give it a good rating but I don't down vote it.

    If you want the reasoning for it: most readers aren't writers. They have the mindset of disgruntled medieval rulers thowing things at their jugglers/jesters wanting to be entertained. Or they see a vote button and think they are the new judge on (your country here) Idol or (your country here) has talent, therefore feeling they deserve to be just as petty as they are when they watch those god awful shows.

    I think the average reader who votes down a good story does so because they wanted the heroine to be a 38 EE bra sized instead 36 Cs, or redheaded instead of blonde or brunette or both. the cock size was only 10 inches instead of 16, or heaven forbid the author goes for a bit of realism and doesn't devote 4 paragraphs to a characters dimensions (in a bout of what I would call tasteful restraint).
    rant over now.
  13. LOAnnie2

    LOAnnie2 Porno Junky

    Jun 27, 2013

    I've definitely appreciated when people comment on stories looking for the positive even if there are elements that turn them off.

    I also very quickly learned in my writing that unless it's coming up as part of the story--getting into specific measurements is kinda dumb. That being said, there's definitely something to be said for these types of things coming up as part of the plot (someone asking a woman's bra size and her answering for instance). But it needs to be organic.
  14. smcaaphd

    smcaaphd zOMGorgeous

    Oct 4, 2007
    I really like writing about domination and submission, but not in an overt 'chain that bitch-slut up and whip her till her skin fall off' kinda way. Mine is more of the psychological domination; the hint or threat of pain or punishment, the willingness to submit without any shackles or bonds. But in the end, both people get what they need out of the relationship - if one is into pain, their pain threshold tends to be quite low, so perhaps a nip on bared flesh or a one-off spank on a naked butt-cheek. This tends to be countered with many more moments of softness, where the two parties share intimacy that blocks out the rest of the world - a look, a touch, something like that.

    I've written a couple of 'darker' stories - that I've actually had taken off the stories site, and have moved from the public forums. The Pearl Detective was gearing up to be a murder/mystery in which the main character was a lesbian cop. But, y'know, shit happens and we get distracted then find it difficult to return to that perfect place where we stumbled upon our ideas in the first place. That story is a still on a back-burner, waiting to be continued!!

    I have tried writing male/male stories, but they usually end up quite aggressive and violent - very dark BDSM indeed. Now, while I think there's room for every kind of kink, I feel that I go way too far, way too fast with these kind of things, and so they get relegated to my 'to do' file. For some reason, I find it extremely difficult to write a romance between two males. Hohum!!

    For those of you who have read my stuff, I tend to get very descriptive in my writing, not so much about the physicality of the act of sex, but about emotions, the whole body and mind descripts.
  15. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    I believe this site is home to many really wonderful writers, that are not appreciated on the Sex Stories Site. Let's face it, if the man reading isn't hard in 3 minutes, he thinks your story sucks. If you're looking for immediate gratification, stay away from from my collection.
  16. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    you can take the boy out of the bible belt, but …

    I'm probably one of those who is just a leetle fucked in the head when dealing with things that trip my trigger in a story.

    Turn Off's

    • Bad Writing / One-Paragraph 'Stories'
      • Poor Grammar
      • Word Abuse : to/too/two - their/there - definitely/defiantly - shudder/shutter - queue/cue - 'intensive purposes'/'intents and purposes'
      • Downer Endings
      • plot lines that wander all over the countryside with no direction - that is not a story (BTW - The Saga of Snow Cat wandered but WITH direction. I saw very little in that story which was not actually needed for the storyline itself)
    • Violent Rape (what types of rape are NOT violent?) / Abuse (including SELF-abuse)
    • Domination Snuff
    • SM / CBT
    • BD / Humiliation / Scat / Bukkake
    • Gay (MM)
    Turn On's

    • P L O T / Storytelling Ability
    • HEA / Romance / Tender Emotions
    • Incest (older male/younger female)
    • Virginity / Young (hebo and older, not *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM* & initiated by the younger)
    • Threesome (FMF)
    • Toys (including fisting) / Oral
    • Tentacle (go figure - how is rape is an off but tentacle is an on :shock:)

    • Anal
    • Orgy
    • Threesome (MFM) / Lez
    • Coercion / Mind Control
    • Body Modification (Mutilation generally takes the tolerance down)
    • Torture Snuff - generally, the more outre, the easier for me to read and enjoy (figure out how THAT works with Dom Snuff and violent Rape being Off's) - cannibalism falls in THIS category instead of in Dom Snuff ------ I guess that this falls into the horror category where Dom Snuff is fetish
    Themes are something else. The use of magic, hard-core scifi, etc, are settings instead of stories.
    RE starting the story with the "… died and left scads of money which just grew into more", that is setting as well instead of resolution. If you don't like that, don't read his stories. I tend to read for escape so I take the setup with a (hell of a lot of) grain of salt.
    ALSO - When the story line gets better, I sometimes just skim the sex scenes to get back to the story itself. In this situation, just dropping a sex scene into a story is a turn off as it can be a disruption.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2013
  17. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    says the girl who wrote The Summer Of Discontent soooooo well. :rolleyes:
  18. MissRachael

    MissRachael Don't Let The Blonde Hair Fool You! In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 2, 2012
    My biggest turn offs in a story are

    * Rushed storylines (this was why CAWSS was so difficult)
    * Unrealistic storylines (Every male in the story has a 9inch cock and every girl 44EE boobs)
    * Lots of bad spelling (SPELLCHECK AND PROOF READ PLEASE)

    Biggest turn ons

    * Great build up
    * Good plot twists
    * All emotions being tickled during the story
    * Characters that you can believe in and care about
    * Pretty much all BELIEVABLE sexual activity!
  19. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    THAT is the reason that I dislike writers who use numbers in their stories - 44 is quite a barrel; for my fantasies, gimme a 38 instead and downsize the cup to a CC or D, please - they stay firmer, longer, IMO.

    Also, going above DD is not just problematical for the fantasy, it is PROBLEMATICAL for the wearer of those bags of sand. For someone to feel what GG means, go find a couple of 4lb (2kg) bag of sugar and a bit of rope and try wearing those around your chest for a few hours (only). There is a reason that the bra straps for DD and up are half-an-inch wide or wider. There is ALSO a reason for those women to be walking "proud" - it HURTS the back too much to slouch.

    ------------ ooooookay, d, end your rant -------- these are your friends here and they are not deserving of your ire -------- that's right, you are getting sleepy ---------- listen to my voice and let yourself go ---------- you are getting slee…
  20. N.E. Woman

    N.E. Woman More Spicy than Sweet

    Dec 11, 2014
    Going off topic for a second.... I'm sorry.

    As someone who is well endowed, and not 44 inches around, thank you very much. I take some offense to "the girls" being described as "bags of sand". Although I do appreciate your sensitivity to my back issues. :) :rolleyes:

    Note: I did try to weigh them once and no, I won't tell you what the scale said. Don't you know you never ask a woman about weight. ;)