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  1. BeatItUpRight

    BeatItUpRight Porn Star

    Apr 27, 2007
    I might be seeing you guys for awhile, my temper got me in some shit I might not be able to get out of.

    I'm chilling with my g/f enjoying a nice day, a little pool side bbq, dancing, a little drinking... you know just a good day. Next thing I know my g/f's has her friends coming over, her friends and my friends don't mix. Her friends are bloods and the ones that aren't are bi girls. My boys and I are already drunk so buy the time her friends get there were plastered. I told my boys that her friends are bloods and not to trip, she told her friends that my boys were Crips. That was the biggest problem I saw threating the day, so.. with that out of the way I'm thinking this is going to be a good day with no drama after all....I couldn't be more wrong.

    Her homegirls show up, I'm thinking cool now all the guys got some pussy to chill with so everything is going to be a big ass party by the time nightfalls. Nobody told me that they were bringing her gay friend that does her hair and his boy friend. They walk in and our friends (hers and mine) look at them like what the fuck, yall are at the wrong party...that was where everything went sour.

    They started talking shit back to my boys and you have to understand were very hot headed, they made a comment along the lines of all yall claim to be gangstas... well we know what they say about those kinda guys. Now we got her boys and my boys, about 7 all total ready to beat up on these two guys. Everybodys drunk and I'm trying to keep things cool so the police don't come but, you just don't question somebody's man-hood like that. She is talking to your friends and I'm talking to mines, were trying to clam the situation down.

    Now I wear pink from time to time, I think I look good in the color and girls tell me the color goes good with my skin. I don't know what made him call me out but for whatever reason he yells out. "I don't know about your boy friend chade, he sure does look good in that pink. I wonder if he likes poles." WTF! I'm trying my best to save this motherfucker from getting his ass whipped and he says thank you like this!!! I walk over and say "you wana repeat that" I had to make sure he wasn't just trying make a bad joke or something he says "you heard me, I said I think your hiding something"

    My girl tried to step between us, I picked her up and moved her she tried to run and step in again and I again picked her up and put her behind me. I honestly blacked out, and when I came out of it I had blood all over my arms and I was choking him, everybody was pulling at me and saying your going to kill him. I let him go and he was a mild shade of blue and bleeding from his nose and mouth. Now they trying to lock me up and some hate crimes shit. My lawyer said it's a good chance he can get me off but, it's a 30% chance at this point that I may have to do some time.
  2. makemetakeit

    makemetakeit Sex Machine

    Mar 19, 2007
    Can you say "KARMA"? i thought you could.
  3. BeatItUpRight

    BeatItUpRight Porn Star

    Apr 27, 2007
    :confused::confused::confused: WTF are you talking about? What does karma have to do with this?
  4. radzad

    radzad Porn Surfer

    May 7, 2007
    i think she means your an asshole and well that has to suck ass dude i am sorry i personally hope you make it out with out going to jail
  5. Snoochies

    Snoochies Porn Star

    Feb 8, 2007
    Sounds to me like you started it.

    And so what if he questioned your "manhood" as you like to say. A REAL man would have been able to control himself.

    You say you're not against gays or homophobic just that you don't want to hang around them, be exposed to their lifestyle, or be called gay (this was in another thread everyone). Sounds like homophobia to me.

    I hope you do serve time. Maybe it'll teach you to control yourself and grow the fuck up.
  6. coldon

    coldon Porn Surfer

    Mar 5, 2007
    Crips vs Bloods, Gay vs not-Gay, pink vs not-pink! What a load of shit. These are things that five yr old children fight about, and even then its not okay. Some time in prison to think about things which actually matter in life would do you all good.
  7. Snoochies

    Snoochies Porn Star

    Feb 8, 2007
    Well said!

    You may be a noob but I think you may do well around here.
  8. purplepleaser

    purplepleaser Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2007

    lol go away BEAT:mad:
  9. radzad

    radzad Porn Surfer

    May 7, 2007
    oh dude if you do go to jail maybe the time will teach you that your kinda bi curious i mean like what was said earlier every one drops the soap
  10. just for kicks 07

    just for kicks 07 Amateur

    May 12, 2007
    damn bro sorry ta hear about that
    stay free
  11. That guy with the face

    That guy with the face Newcumer

    Apr 14, 2007
    She's quite right, karma is a powerful force and it sounds like you brought this upon yourself. Enjoy your time.
  12. ForcedOs

    ForcedOs Porn Star

    Apr 26, 2007
    Come on you guys this guy is pulling your leg. NONE of this shit is actually happening. He's bored and looking for a reaction from you. Look, after an altercation like that, and charges pressed he's be in County for at least 24 hours (72 for the weekend). He was on this forum YESTERDAY.

    And anyone that has an altercation with the police with gangsta' ties would be underwraps and would not rush home to get online to a porn forum to tell everyone. His explaining the whole situation would be a GREAT no-no against his case and his defense lawyer would FRY him for it! I mean, the defense lawyer would go crazy if prosecution got a hold of his post guys.

    His picture is on his avatar (if it IS his picture) so he's easily identifiable. He says his girlfriend gets into his account from time to time . . . all they have to do (prosecution) is sipeona(sp?) her and get this information.

    It's all to entirely messy and therefore . . . fake.

    Don't believe it . . . (from someone who actually have family members in and out of the pen) --AND I'M NOT PROUD OF THAT BY THE WAY.:mad:
  13. Snoochies

    Snoochies Porn Star

    Feb 8, 2007
    Not necessarily fake. He could be out awaiting his court date (post araignment/ pre trial). And he never stated WHEN this happened.

    And most importantly, Beat is a pretty stupid person (at least based on his posts on this site). I wouldn't put it past him to either not consider that this could come back to bite him in the ass OR to just think he's too smart to get caught.

    Finally, he doesn't think he's done anything wrong. His ego keeps him from seeing things the way the rest of us do. And he THINKS his explanation defends his side instead of incriminating him.

    Put simply.....this could be fake or (more likely) Beatit is just STUPID.
  14. ForcedOs

    ForcedOs Porn Star

    Apr 26, 2007
    Well, then all HAIL KING STUPID . . . because this post just fucked his case up if prosecution is ANY GOOD.
  15. Snoochies

    Snoochies Porn Star

    Feb 8, 2007
    Personally I think it's a matter of his "lawyer" (more like public defender) being smart enough to keep Beat from opening his fat stupid mouth. If he doesn't talk he'll probably get off. But my guess (and hope) is someone's going to testify against him and his ego and temper are going to get him in a lot of trouble.
  16. BeatItUpRight

    BeatItUpRight Porn Star

    Apr 27, 2007
    This wasn't that recent forced, I've been out on bail for a little over a month... and yes I'm in the gang task force records under two different names. I just checked in with my lawyer and he told me what things are looking like. Honestly I'm not that worried it's not like I haven't been to jail before, most of the time I see a bunch of niggas I know, their talking about 5years and with the possibility of only doing 3 in jail not prison. I haven't said anything in this thread that has already been reported. I got faith in my lawyers they always get me out of shit like this. It's just different this time because of the whole hate crime thing.
  17. Thandrend

    Thandrend Hammer of the Gods

    Sep 5, 2006
    I really can't say that you don't deserve it. Heh.
  18. BeatItUpRight

    BeatItUpRight Porn Star

    Apr 27, 2007
    I just want to get to trial already and get it over with, either I go or get off. I'm more worried about my girl more than anything, shes soft hearted.
  19. Snoochies

    Snoochies Porn Star

    Feb 8, 2007
    No worries. I'm sure you'll be calling her a "bitch" or "hoe" in no time.
  20. BeatItUpRight

    BeatItUpRight Porn Star

    Apr 27, 2007
    lol naw she's a good girl, she loves me a lot. I kinda feel bad for putting her thru this shit but, she understands me and she doesn't hold it against me. She has never done wrong by me, thats why I take care of her.